Sunday, December 4, 2011

Facing The Lonely Nights!

                 This past week had been well eventful to say the least, I have had a lot of things on my mind such as my amazing boyfriend being out in the field! I had been feeling so down about my self and life because he was gone for the week and there would be no change for us to be able to spend time together no matter how much I wish we could. I miss him so much and I wish that there were something I could do to get a text from him , a call something to let me know he is thinking about me. I miss him so much its truly crazy I don't know how some females do this for year, or their whole lives pretty much. I can only hope that I am strong enough to be one of those ladies one day. However after last night and finding out that one of my new friends  has a husband who is deployed right now. Well I feel selfish as can be! How can I be sitting here all up set and sad because my boyfriend is out in the field for a week when I have a great friend who has a husband who is deployed. 
                 He has a 7 month deployment and she has to stay strong for him no matter what. I AM SELFISH! Yet I am NOT the only one who is, so many civilian wives and girlfriends wine about how their men have to go to work and work late. How many of them truly think about what the Military Girl Friends and Wives go through while their men are away for months at a time. I know that I personally never thought about what they went through until it came down to my dating a Marine my self. I have found my self yelling all the time at girls who I hung out with in high school because they wish there man didn't have to work until 6pm on a Tuesday night! I can't help it I just find my self saying " Are you freaking kidding me? He has to work until 6pm and you are acting like that is the worst thing in the world! I haven't seen my boyfriend in almost a week! That is not even the worst part I know so many girls that have to go months with out seeing their man. Wives that have to raise there children all on there own for the most part because their husbands are out fighting a war and keeping our country safe!  I have been a single mother for years! I know how it feels to have to do everything all along trying to keep your self from falling apart because you just don't know how much more you can take. I know I can personally understand what they are going through on some level however being a single mother while praying every night that your husband will come home safe, that he is doing what he trained to do and what he loves.  I don't understand how that feels, I don't know many females who are strong enough to be a single parent much less being a single parent while still being married to someone who is always gone. Always out working and trying to keep us all safe from the evils of the world that would like nothing more then to make our lives a " living hell ."  Those women truly need to be thanked , they need everyone to know and understand that while you are sitting in your homes every day winning that  their husband and boyfriends are working an hour over their normal time to get off work. That they remember that some where in this world there is a women rushing around trying to get the kids feed, bathed  and in bed on time all while praying and wishing that her husband/boyfriend didn't have to spend 7 months away from her. Away from their family  and the lives they have shared. 
               As I sit here tonight wishing that my boyfriend was here with me watching pointless cable tv and eating what ever I can get my hands on. I find my self  being nothing more then Thankful for all of the AMAZING Women in this world who do what most of us are not brave, or strong enough to do. Supporting men who are hardly ever around , who need the support more then we could ever understand because with out the support they could not do there job as well. I don't know what it's like to be with out the man you love for months at a time, I don't what it is like to deal with everything they have to deal with but I know that one day I will. One day I will understand all to well what they go through every day but until that day I will try to learn everything I can about being in their shoes. I will do everything I can to make sure that I thank them every chance I get. That I do a nice deed for them like baby sitting so  they can get a night out , buying them lunch , washing their car or anything I can to show them that even on their worst day there are people in the world that care about them. That are there for them and proud of what they do because when it comes down to it supporting the Military wives  is just as important as supporting the Military its self!

                  I know that tonight will not be my last lonely night, it is only the start of them. I can only be strong and look at the sisterhood of Marine Wives, Fiance's and Girl Friends that have came before me for the strength on the night when I feel the weakest.  I love my boyfriend and I know that I will one day look back at these nights as a test from God of our relationship and laugh because we made it through  it all! 


Semper Fi <3

1 comment:

  1. I just want to say Thank You to all the brave ladies who keep out troops strong! Your amazing! and Steph you are one of those ladies even if you are a new member of the group!
