Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ring Less & Still Here!

                      So here is the question! .... Does having a ring on your finger really change anything? I have noticed that just about all the Marine Wives I have gotten to meet here in Jacksonville all think that they are better then I am because " I am only a girl friend ." I am out ranged by this being said to my face and behind my back! What is wrong with these ladies? We have all had to start at the bottom of the totem pole , we all had to start off as a Marine Girl Friend before we could get lucky enough to raise up to the honor of marring a United States Marine! Saying a vow to spend the rest of your life together is saying a vow with or with out the paper doesn't change the vow that has been made! 
                      I on September 27th 2011 at about 1pm in the afternoon , I decided to change my life from what it was to what it is still becoming today. I decided to date a United States Marine and that I would love, honor , respect, stay faithful,  no matter where he is or how long we will be apart! I love him just as much as any one can love the man they want to spend the rest of their lives with. I hurt just as much as a wife would hurt knowing her man will not be able to see or talk to her on a day where she is feeling like she is falling apart. I sit at home missing him every night he is away, I cry my self to sleep and praying that everything will be okay. I have just as much faith in our love and our relationship as a wife would. Our relationship is unbreakable , no one can come between us no matter how hard they might try! I try my hardest to make him proud every day! I only want to make him happy as often as I can and to make sure he knows what he means to me no matter what people might say. The amount of time we have been  a couple or the lacking of a ring on my finger does not matter at all! I love him and I will stand by him until the day God takes us both into the gates of heaven! Those wives who think that I and all the other Marine Girl Friends in the world don't understand what it is to truly love a Marine! You all need to remember where you started, that at one point in time you too were in our shoes. You were standing right where we currently stand , you have had to deal with   Marine Wives that felt you too wasn't good enough because you were only a  Marine Girl Friend! 
                          This stereotype that Marine Wives are better then Marine Girl Friends is beyond crazy, stupid , and childish! Marine Wives should be there helping the Marine Girl Friends in there time of need. Teaching them the ropes and what it means to be a Marine Wife/Girl Friend! I don't yet know what I should be doing, I don't know what it is to even be a Marine Girl Friend most days. I'm  scared that I will not be good enough for him or that I will do something that might hurt his career! I wish that Marine Wives were less scary , and thought more about helping us then trying to hurt us and make us feel as if we are not good enough to even call our selves Marine Girl Friends much less to ever be called a Marine Wife! I love my man and I can only pray that I will be that perfect Marine Wife, that I will make him proud every day of my life but its scary, its hard and there isn't any breaks from this life style no matter how much we wish there was! We need to stick together and make our sisterhood stronger not weaker because of stereotypes and distrust. I might be RING LESS but I'M STILL HERE!  I'm NOT going anywhere so it's a fact of life if you don't like us Marine Girl Friends then GET OVER IT! bc WE are not going to run away and end the best thing that has ever happened to us just because there are some mean , scary Marine Wives who don't want us around! When they are just scared and unhappy with their own lives and would rather make us feel unwanted then to let us know that we are not alone! That they have been there and done that and I'm sure will be there again one day! This life is hard enough with out us all jumping down each others throats and talking behind peoples backs just because they don't have a ring on there finger!

This sisterhood is so much more then a sister hood! Its family when we allow it to be!

Semper Fi <3

1 comment:

  1. A ring wouldn't change the love that you two have only enhance it!
