Our Love Story

           Our Love Story From The Beginning ....

                                   September 26th 2011  Forever changed my life! 

Our Story is not like everyone else's story it all started  Online on Plenty Of Fish! Yes I just stated that he found me on a online dating site! It sounds so crazy however I guess now days that is not as crazy as I think it is. People met every day online and spend the rest of their lives together writing their own love story. 

 To start with his name is Adam! I do call him  " A "  most of the time when it comes to posting things on the internet.  Soooo ..... The way that our first date went was a little different then how I think most first dates go. I took my friend Hannah with me ( who I call Nanna ) on my first date. I was scared to death because I was going to met a guy off of the internet  to me that was a crazy thing to do but there was just something different about this guy that made me want to me him. 
All three of us walked down the beach talking and getting to know each other. I'm not going to lie I was oh so very shy when it came to him and Im still working on not being shy.

That Night he decided that  my new nickname would be turtle because I get scared and go  " hide in my shell. "  lol It was that very first night walking down the beach that I knew that I was in love with Adam and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. He makes me so happy even when he makes me so mad that I could cry hes still making me happy.  The first night was all sat in the car talking until almost 4am and then we at last went inside and he went home. We started dating on SEPTEMBER 27th 2011 at around 1 pm!  Hours later on  he came back over after work he brought me a single red rose. Then he and I spent hours sitting in his car talking and playing around until 3am when he had to go home because he had to go to work shortly after leaving the house.  Of  course that night was when we had our first kiss. Im sure he see's it a little differently then I do however he tricked me into the kiss.  We were playing around and he was picking on me when he stole  our first kiss. My eyes were closed and out of no where he kissed me well it was the most perfect kiss I have ever had! 

After Only A Month ....
I am so in love and happy that Adam and I have made it  a month! he makes me so HAPPY! even though we have our ups and down I am so in love and I just honestly don't know how I ever lived with out this man in my life! I feel like  I never knew how to breath until he came into my life. He makes everything worth doing, every day worth waking up to. He makes me want to make my self better because at the end of the day I want him to be proud  of me and who I am becoming!
I cant wait to see what the next  month has to offer! 

<3 Stephanie