Thursday, December 1, 2011

I thought It Was You! ( Found on another website and love it! )

I Thought It Was You 

Today I heard your voice behind me
And turned to you with a smile.
Can't believe I misplaced that sound,
Even though it's been a while.

Yesterday I laughed out loud
And turned to tell you why.
Too late, I remembered the truth,
As a tear came to my eye.

Even now I see your face
And feel your arms holding me tight.
Yet your shadow flees at my touch
For I am alone tonight.

Someday I'll turn and you'll be there.
Your smile - your face - will be real
I'll put my arms around you and know-
This is the way love was meant to feel.

U.S. Marine (another website...)

You can keep your Army khaki,
You can keep your Navy blue.
I have the world's best fighting man,
to introduce to you.

His uniform is different,
the best you've ever seen.
The Germans call him "Devildog,"
His real name is "Marine."

He was born on Parris Island,
The place where God forgot.
The sand is eighteen inches deep,
The sun is blazing hot.

He gets up every morning,
Before the rising sun.
He'll run a hundred miles and more,
Before the day is done.

He's deadly with a rifle,
A bayonet made of steel.
He took the warrior's calling card,
He's mastered how to kill.

And when he gets to Heaven,
St. Peter he will tell,
"One more Marine reporting sir,
I've served my time in Hell."

So listen, all you young girls,
to what I have to say:
Go find yourself a young Marine,
To love you every day.

He'll hug you and he'll kiss you,
and treat you like a queen.
There is no better fighting man:

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