Thursday, October 13, 2011

Worst Day Thus Far!

             OMG! Just had the worst day of our relationship thus far and I know that I brought it on myself! 
I woke up this morning knowing that everything was about to change for the worse and there was not a thing I could do about it no matter how hard I tried. My wonderful boyfriend asked me to do something two days ago and I knew that it was the right thing to do. However I decided to go against him and I did not do what I was asked to do when  I was asked to do it. See he had been allowing myself and my friend  " Nanna " to live with him. I guess it was my fault really because well I would bitch to him about anything and everything that she did. Every time she made me mad.every time she failed to do what I asked of her or when she would not clean the house when I wanted to and how I wanted her to. ( with me not alone not as if I used her as my maid  ) I told him I would tell her that it was time for her to move out and find a new place for herself to live.  Well I didn't do as he asked me to and in fact I told him that I would NOT do that to her because she is my best friend and Im the reason that she came to this town long before he was brought into my life. I stood up to my boyfriend and I decided to not kick Nanna out of the apartment. I thought that maybe he would understand what I meant and why I just could not do that to her. For a short period of time I felt like I did the right thing that everything would be okay with our relationship. Well I was wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong and WRONG! everything was not okay far from it and I cant believe that I was so stupid! He wasn't the first person to tell me that I need to kick Nanna out of the nest and make her fly on her own. Everyone has told me that and lord do I wish now that I would have listened to him. 
         My picking Nanna over my boyfriends wants and needs clearly was right on some levels however I feel like that was it that was the thing that he just couldn't take. So today at 1pm today he sent me a text and informed me that she and I would have to move out asap. He told me it was because of his apartment building however I think that was total Bull crap. One of the things I love about him is the fact that he " does what he wants " Well he did what he wanted, I wouldn't kick my friend out so we were both asked to leave and so he got his way in the end. Nanna was out of his home. However from the second I found out that he and I will no longer living together it felt as if our relationship will soon be over because I guess I feel like it could not work out. He and I hardly ever seen each other as it was so now well it will be harder for our relationship to get any stronger. I just at this point I dont know what to think about anything at all. I feel heartbroken to have to go through this all because I picked someone over my boyfriend. I should have known that my idea would never work. That he would see right through my thoughts and in the end do what he wanted to do to start with . I love Nanna she is my best friend but I should have picked my boyfriend. I should have respected that he wanted what was best for the both of us that it would make our relationship better and stronger if I listened to him. I knew it was hurting our relationship and still I picked to not do what I would have asked him to do as well. I just dont know what to think at this point and believe that prayer is all  I can do. Heading to bed after this long stressful day!

Semper Fi <3

1 comment:

  1. Everyone has one of those days you are not alone! i love your blog it brightens up my day! I know Im not alone when I tell you that we have all been there! Stay strong!
