Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The First Week As A Marine GirlFriend!

So Here I am just made it through the first week of what I thought could be the rest of my life! I couldnt have guessed what it would be like being with a Marine! I mean so far I have been living with him and dating him for only a week and well I have seen him only two nights so far. He is gone for the next few days on a Semper Fi Fund Hike thing and I find myself being upset not because I miss him but becuase I feel selfish for wanting him here for me not for him. He makes me happier then I have ever been in my life and that scares the living crap out of me! Hes the sweetest guy in the world but lord to look at him , he looks scary as can be! I know that just comes with the Career that has but still that is scary to me. Through this past week I thought dealing with him being gone would be the hardest part of it and that everything would be fine just as soon as he got home to me! Oh Boy! was I wrong! so very wrong! Last night  he called me and told me something that was earth shattering and changed everything more then I care to admit at this point. He informed me that he got a call about a girl from his past saying she is pregnant with him baby. My heart sank when I was informed of that and I jsut couldnt even think or breath hearing tha tkind of news isnt what any girl wants to hear. I mean I know that there is a chance that she is not telling the truth or that the baby isnt his at all. I know that this was something that happened before he and I even knew each other so its not like he cheated on me and got this other girl pregnant.  To be mad at him for this well just doesnt seem  right at all because it was something from his past. He made it clear that he doesnt want to be with her and that he wants to be with me however Im scared.  Scared that she is telling the truth,scared that her having his baby will mess up our life together. Scared that he will fall inlove with her during her pregnancy and leave me. Scared that I will end up leaving him before we find out if she really is pregnant, scared that I will leave him and then the baby will turn out to not be his. Scared of just about everything and anything at this point in time. I just dont know what to do or think all I know is I have to figure out what to do next , if I am going to stay with him or if Im going to leave for my own selfish reasons.
I questioned If I was strong enough to be with a Marine, if I could deal with everything that comes with it the deployments,the training, the Marine Wives ( because lets face it some of  those ladies scare the heck out of me. and then there are the others who I question why they are even with a Marine to start with, yes I know that makes me just like all the others most of the time lol ) the fears, the doubt that everyone seems to try to put in your mind about your man. I can deal with all of that even though its hard and really sucks most of the time but I know I am strong enough to deal with anything the USMC can put me through. If I am strong enough to deal with the USMC how can I be questioning if I am strong enough to deal with this girl from his pas saying that she is pregnant with his baby? This makes me feel so beyond stupid and I dont get what on earth I am even questioning it to start with for. Then it hits me that I am selfish! That Im sitting here thinking about leaving the greatest man I have even had in my life because of some girl from his past! A child  ( if there even is a child ) isnt brought into the world to hurt others, the baby didnt do anything wrong at all and isnt going to be born to hurt me in any way. Not saying the mother couldnt be out to hurt us or after lord only knows what because there so often is more to the story then I will know at this point in time. This could add drama ,stress and alot of tears to my life and to his as well but I dont know what to do right now. My heart is telling me to stay and not allow this to hurt my relationship with this great man but my head is saying run like heck away becuase I have never dealt with this kind of thing before but I know that it will not be easy. It would test our relationship in all kinds of ways, it would test my strength, my heart and our future in so many ways. This first week has been well more eventful then I care for but I guess that everything happens for a reason! All I can do is pray at this point in time and wait for answers to come my way. All I know at this point is that I really care about him and I dont want to loss him over what could be nothing to start with. God has a plan for us and I can only hope it will be something that will allow us to stay together and have a happy, healthy relationship.

<3 Semper Fi!

1 comment:

  1. Happy to know you are starting your new life and allowing us all to be part of your world in such away!
