Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Longest Week Of My Life!

                       I feel stupid, I am scared to death and truth be told this past week has changed my life forever with out a doubt. I have some great new friends in my life who care about me and support  me even though I feel like I had to go through everything I have been through to come to this point in my life. If I could go back and redo everything I would not change a thing because whatever is meant to be will be and if Adam wants to be with me he will make an effort to get back together with me. 
                    Well I was right because he sent me a text this morning after not speaking to me for a week he at last sent me a text. He and I text back and fourth all day long and he told me that he wants to get back together with me.  He missed me and he wants to get together to talk about all of our problems and what happened the night before I broke up with him. We have not gotten to sit down and talk about everything because he has been working so much. I'm happy that he is speaking to me again even though at this point he and I are not back together at this point but things are looking up!  Im so excited to be able to sit down and talk to him about everything however he wanted to come get me tonight so we could talk about everything but then he was in so much pain because of somethings that have happened to him. So he went to sleep and Im sitting here thinking about everything that has been said today. Being in a relationship with a Marine is so hard but I have missed him so much. No we are not yet back together however I missed him texting me and telling me how much he misses me. I know its just a text message however it makes me feel like everything is getting back to how is should have been to start with I cant believe that he and I are going to really sit down and talk about everything that had been going on with us. We never really sit down and talk about things and it means a lot to me that he is going to sit down with me and talk every thing out. Maybe this will end very well and we will be back together before the end of the week. 
                  This was the second day he said that he was going to try to come get me so we can talk about everything  but he had to work and then was too sleepy or what ever. It doesn't matter to me I am just happy that he must want to talk all of our problems out because he keeps informing me that he wants to spend time with me and talk about everything. I miss my man so much I cant wait to get to see him and talk to him about all of our problems!

until next time!

Semper Fi <3

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