Thursday, November 24, 2011

Who truly deserves the Thanks On Thanksgiving?

                Thanksgiving .... Isn't what it should be!  

                              Thanksgiving is the one day a year that people sometimes think about giving thanks for everything that they have! I don't want to sound mean however THAT IS A LIE! How many people truly thank those who should be thanked for what they need to be thanked  for? The United States Military should be thanked for what they do not just on Thanksgiving but everyday! They risk not only there lives but there families, relationships with friends, members, children, everyone who they have touched in one way or another through out their lives. Its this time of year that everyone feels the need to pretend that they care about those who are in need, those who need help and have no one to turn to. The people who just never learned how to do anything more then being in the military. Yes everyone always tries to do something nice for those who are homeless and in need of a warm bed and hot meal. Yet how many of those people who are out wandering the street out there because they never learned anything more then how to fight for our country? The Statics for the number of vets that are home less is current 1 out of every 4 people! Are you kidding me? ONE FOURTH?  What kind of people are in this country when we allow our vets to be home less after everything they have done for us and our country? Its sad to know that so few people honestly care about the ones who have fought for us to be able to live the lives we go about every day never thinking of what we don't have to give up because someone else is giving up their life for us! Some one else is out there missing there children grow up so that we can sit at home every night and feel like we are going to lose our minds because we are so stressed out about how to keep up with all the bills. When we should  be thanking GOD and The US Military for giving up the time they should be spending with their own children and  tucking them into bed every night to go out and make sure we are safe to be able to continue living our stress filled, crazy, pointless every day the same as the last lives! We should be working every day to do everything we can to support the men and woman who choose to join our military! Every day when we all wake up in our beds safe from all of the evils of the world we need to wake up and thank the vets and Military members who do everything for us while we sit  on our butts doing nothing to support them while they are off fighting for us to stay safe!  Most people who are not directly joined to the Military don't care about the Military nor support the Military the way that they should!  If our nation care as much about  the Military and Its Vets as they do the latest trashie pop start who got knocked up by Lord only knows who then we would all be better off!  This country is NOT going to get any better if we don't all get off of our butts and do something about it! We as a Nation, are only as weak as our Weakest link! Thanksgiving should be all about giving thanks for the things that really matter in life! It should be a day where we all can sit down and have our dinner knowing every Vet in our country is sitting down to a hot meal and knows that this Nation they fought for is thankful for them and what they have done for us all! Im sorry for those who do not agree with my point of few, however you could try I don't know the " getting out raged and bringing up this being America, war is bad, the Military are murders, " blah blah whatever winning you can come up with so that you don't have to face the fact that with out those people serving in the Military past, present and future  those winning little people would not have the freedom to being winning right now! So Thank a Vet, and the people who truly deserve to be Thanked on THANKSGIVING!

Semper Fi <3


1 comment:

  1. I just want to say wow! this was the best post I have read. So many people never think of the Vets in this country and what they have done for us and what they go through after they have served this country!
